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Equal Ground statement in response to Gov. Ron DeSantis signing the 2024-2025 budget

Writer's picture: Equal Ground Equal Ground

"As Governor DeSantis signed Florida's state budget into law, we can't help but acknowledge the missed opportunity to pass a budget that meets the needs of working people and marginalized communities. 

Unfortunately, this budget overlooks crucial areas that are vital for the health of our democracy and the well-being of our communities. As we head into one of the most important elections of our generation, we are deeply troubled by the insufficient funding dedicated to voter education, access to polling places, and overall election access. The impact of SB90 cannot be understated and will be felt across our entire state. If Gov. DeSantis truly wants all Floridians to be able to make their voices heard, then Supervisors of Elections should have additional funding to properly alert Floridians that they must make a new request if they desire to vote by mail. These pro-democracy policies are foundational to ensuring that every Floridian can exercise their right to vote freely, fairly, and without unnecessary barriers.

While the budget included some positive provisions, the limited allocation towards issues like criminal justice, education, affordability, and social services raises significant concerns. Without adequate investment in these crucial areas, we risk perpetuating cycles of disenfranchisement and marginalization which disproportionately affects communities of color, who are already underrepresented and often face systemic challenges. 

We remain committed to advocating for the rights of all Floridians. We will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that every voice is heard and that our state's policies reflect the values of fairness, justice, and inclusion as we build a more equitable Florida for all."

Genesis Robinson

Interim Executive Director

Equal Ground Education Fund

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